Global Education Seminar West 2008-2nd: 2009/3/25

2009-03-25 13:302009-03-25 19:00 ical Google outlook

APSTJ Global Education Seminar West 08-2
The Academy of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Japan

March 25, 2009 (13:30 –19:00)
At Meeting Room1 (4F), Melparque-Kyoto (3min-walk from JR Kyoto Station)


Opening remarks
Kazunori Iwanaga (Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences)

Speakers (20 min presentation + 20 min discussion, each)

13:35 – 14:15
H. Yamaguchi (Shionogi & Co., Ltd.)
“The use of confocal laser scanning microscopy and near-infrared spectroscopy to develop a robust formulation design for multiple unit pellet system tablets”

14:15 – 14:55
K. A. Hamid (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University)
“Effect of common solubilizing agents on the transport and absorption of poorly absorbable drugs in the intestine”

14:55 – 15:35
Y. Shirasaka (Kanazawa University)
“Counteracting Interplay of P-Glycoprotein and OATP on Intestinal Drug Absorption -Species Difference in Talinolol-Grapefruit Juice Interactions- ”

-Coffee Break-    25 min

Invited speaker (40 min presentation + 20 min discussion)

16:00 – 17:00
R. M. Hoffman
(Professor, College of Medicine, UCSD / President and CEO, AntiCancer Inc.)
“In vivo imaging with fluorescent proteins”

17:30 – 19:00
Reception at Meeting Room1 (Melparque-Kyoto, 4F),

Application If you would like to join us, please contact us to provide your NAME, AFFILIATION, TITLE, E-MAIL, RECEPTION
Registration fee 2,000 YEN (including reception fee)

1,000 YEN for students (including reception fee)

Contact Kazunori Iwanaga
Division of Pharmacetics, Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences
4-20-1 Nasahara, Takatsuki, Osaka 569-1094, Japan

Email: iwanaga [at]
Tel & Fax 072-690-1049