永井恒司名誉会長がFIP Honorary Memberの称号を受章されました


本会名誉会長永井恒司先生が、インド・ハイデラバードで開催されたFIP congress 2011で名誉会員の称号を受章されました。先生はアジアで最初の名誉会員となったとのこと、本会の会員の皆様にも大変うれしいニュースです。なお、先生はこの時のスピーチで日本の医薬分業について以下のようにコメントされています。

会長 杉林堅次

“Mr. Secretary General, thank you very much for your kind introduction. Mr. President, Bureau Members, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentleman, I express my sincere thanks for choosing me as an honorary member of FIP. Since I joined FIP in 1975, the most important thing I have learned from FIP is about the complete separation of medicine and pharmacy. In Japan, medical doctors can dispense for their own patients by the exceptional law, which was set up hundred twenty-two years ago. They have no pharmacist license and also don’t take any continuing education for pharmacists. The Academy of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Japan, one of member organizations of FIP, is making effort to promote the complete separation of medicine and pharmacy in Japan. Finally, I will do my best for the international pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences with the rest of my life. Thank you all for your kind attention.”