








「易しく」ないけれど「優しく」人に寄り添う錠剤の誕生 武田真莉子…123


米持悦生×花輪剛久×百 賢二「フォーカスグループのこれまでの軌跡と今後の展望:臨床製剤FG」 124


脳への薬物送達戦略:最近の進展 鈴木豊史…128

ターゲティングを基盤とした脳への薬物送達研究の進展 亀井敬泰…134

脳腫瘍を標的とした超音波ドラッグデリバリーシステムの開発 小俣大樹,宗像理紗,丸山一雄,鈴木 亮…141

脳へのドラッグデリバリーを評価するヒトiPS細胞由来血液脳関門モデルの構築 黒澤俊樹,佐孝大樹,久保義行,出口芳春…146

核酸医薬の中枢組織へのデリバリー 後藤昭彦…151


企業研究者からアカデミアへ 上林 敦…156


薬剤学ワールドから未来のくすりをつくる 中瀬朋夏…159


注射投与に限られてきた薬剤を非侵襲的に投与するための製剤設計 伊藤貴章…163


精密制御型マイクロ波を用いた凍結乾燥技術 椿俊太郎,神川 葉,井倉則之…167


第13回日本薬剤学会製剤技師認定試験に合格して 171

第32回までの製剤技術伝承講習会の振り返りと今後の講習会 山内仁史…172

2023年度日本薬剤学会公開市民講演会報告「もっと知りたい薬剤師の活躍とくすりの取り扱い:オンデマンド配信」 井上勝央…174

第10回 DDS 製剤臨床応用フォーカスグループ合宿討論会報告 根岸洋一,井上小枝…176

第13回経皮投与製剤フォーカスグループシンポジウム報告 松井良幹…180

物性FG(フォーカスグループ)セミナー2023「X線を用いた原薬・製剤の評価」参加報告 岡本裕太…183

第3回QbD実習講習会に参加して 片山晶誠…185






Degradation Rate of Hydrocortisone in an Oral Liquid Dosage Form Prepared from Hydrocortisone Tablets for Administration to Patients in Neonatal Intensive Care Units T. Tokumura, H. Kawakami, S. Kai and S. Ishida…191



The Birth of Tablets That Are Not “Simple” but “Thoughtful” to Patients M. Takeda-Morishita…123


E. Yonemochi×T. Hanawa×K. Momo “From the Past to the Future of Focus Group: Focus Group on Clinical Pharmaceutics” 124

Feature Articles: “Recent Advances in Brain-Targeted Drug Delivery System”

Strategy for Drug Delivery into the Brain: Recent Advance T. Suzuki…128

Recent Progress in Drug Delivery to the Brain Based on Targeting Strategies N. Kamei…134

Brain Cancer-Targeted Drug Delivery System Based on the Technology Combined of Ultrasound and Microbubbles D. Omata, L. Munakata, K. Maruyama and R. Suzuki…141

Establishment of a Human iPS Cell-Derived Blood-Brain Barrier Model to Assess Drug Delivery to the Brain T. Kurosawa, D. Sako, Y. Kubo and Y. Deguchi…146

Delivery of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics to Central Nervous System A. Goto…151

Relay Forum

Biopharmaceutics Science in Pharmaceutical Industry and University A. Kambayashi…156

Research Laboratory

Drug Design Innovation from Pharmaceutics World T. Takatani-Nakase…159

Young Researcher

Non-Invasive Pharmaceutical Formulation Design for Injections T. Ito…163


Freeze-Drying by Precisely Controlled Microwaves S. Tsubaki, Y. Kamikawa and N. Igura…167


Messages from the Passers of the 13th Certification Examination for “The APSTJ Senior Pharmaceutical Technology Scientist” 171

Report on the Review up to the 32nd and Future on Pharmaceutical Technology Succession H. Yamauchi…172

Report on the APSTJ Public Lecture Series 2023: Learn More about the Activities of Pharmacists and the Handling of Pharmaceuticals K. Inoue…174

Report on the 10th Debate Camp by Focus Group on Clinical Applications of Drug Delivery System Y. Negishi and S. Inoue…176

Report on the 13th Symposium by Focus Group on Transdermal Delivery R. Matsui…180

Report on the 8th Seminar by Focus Group on Pharmaceutical Profiling Y. Okamoto…183

Report on the 3rd Practical Workshop on Quality by Design A. Katayama…185




Degradation Rate of Hydrocortisone in an Oral Liquid Dosage Form Prepared from Hydrocortisone Tablets for Administration to Patients in Neonatal Intensive Care Units T. Tokumura, H. Kawakami, S. Kai and S. Ishida…191